Baby Born Stunting, Causes and Risk Factors
The 2016 Global Nutrition Report data recorded the number of stunted children of 36.4 percent of all children under five in Indonesia. Stunting reflects chronic malnutrition during the earliest period of child growth and development. Generally for a child who is suffering from chronic malnutrition, the proportion of the body will appear normal, but in reality is shorter than normal height for children his age.
Stunting conditions can no longer be handled if the child enters the age of two years. Therefore, to prevent stunting in children, mothers need to consume adequate nutritional intake, especially during pregnancy until the child is born and is 18 months old. Basically, the survival and health of a child cannot be separated from the health of the mother herself.
Causes Children Stunting
In general, stunt or stunting is caused by malnutrition in mothers, poor feeding practices and food quality, frequent infections and not applying clean and healthy living behaviors.Maternal nutrition and poor feeding practices
Stunting can occur if expectant mothers experience anemia and malnutrition. Women who are underweight or anemic during pregnancy are more likely to have stunted children, even at risk of becoming a hereditary condition. This condition can be exacerbated if the nutritional intake for infants is inadequate, for example babies are given water or tea before the age of six months, because at this age babies should be given exclusively breast milk or formula milk as a replacement. Not only that, malnutrition experienced by mothers during breastfeeding can also result in stunted child growth.Poor sanitation
Stunting can also occur in children who live in environments with inadequate sanitation and hygiene. Poor sanitation associated with the occurrence of diarrhea and intestinal helminth infections (intestinal worms) repeatedly in children. Both diseases have been proven to play a role in causing stunted children. High levels of bacterial contamination from feces to the food consumed can cause diarrhea and intestinal worms which in turn have an impact on the child's nutritional level. Contamination of these bacteria can also occur through kitchen utensils and other household appliances that are not washed clean or do not wash your hands thoroughly before eating. As a result, bacteria can enter through the mouth. Such life practices can then reduce a child's appetite, inhibit the process of absorption of nutrients in the child's body, and increase the risk of nutrient loss.Another cause
Children born with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) can also be stunted. FAS is a defective pattern that can occur in the fetus because the mother consumes too much alcoholic drinks while pregnant. Children with FAS have a group of symptoms that include different facial shapes from normal children, stunted physical growth, and some mental disorders.What about the Health Risks of Stunting Children?
Here are some health risks in stunting children.- Stunting is associated with underdeveloped brains with long-term harmful consequences, including lack of mental ability and capacity to learn, poor school performance in childhood, and difficulty finding work as adults which ultimately reduces income, and increases the risk of chronic diseases related to nutrition like diabetes, hypertension, and obesity.
- Have a greater risk for disease, even early death.
- Stunt can decrease in the next generation, called the intergenerational malnutrition cycle.
- When mature, a stunting woman has a greater risk for complications during labor because their pelvis is smaller, and the risk of giving birth to a baby with low birth weight.
- A mother must consume the nutrients needed during pregnancy and the nutrients needed during breastfeeding.
- Providing good nutrition to the baby, such as providing exclusive breastfeeding and other important nutrients as you age.
- Implement a clean and healthy lifestyle, especially washing hands before eating, drinking safe water, washing eating utensils and kitchen utensils, cleaning yourself after defecating or small, and having ideal sanitation (clean toilets).
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